Keeping Us Healthy
With so many new people to the work-at-home, learn-at-home community, our services are essential to getting through this crisis. We need to maintain our health in order to be available to our community. We don’t always have to be onsite to resolve your computer or network challenge; we can remotely access your computer to troubleshoot, and in most cases resolve, the issue.
If we do need to pick up your computer or work in your home, we will be asking if you or anyone in your environment has a fever, dry cough or shortness of breath. We may need to reschedule that visit until such time as everyone is healthy. Be assured that no member of our staff will have contact with the public if we are sick.
We want to protect you and your loved ones; know that we are taking every precaution and following the CDC guidelines for cleaning our tools and environment. We sanitize your computer and peripherals after working on them. And we wash our hands. A lot.
If you have any questions or concerns about the services we provide, or how we provide them, please contact me at any time. We are all working together to get through this time.